Sage Evolution Version 7 is here!
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It is time to get serious about greater flexibility, efficiency and control within your business. Sage’s continuous investment in research and technology ensures that you are always kept up to date with the latest in Accounting and business management software.
Sage Evolution Version 7 new and enhanced features.
Sage Evolution Version 7 encompasses a mix of feedback received from Sage valued customers and cutting edge features that will enhance your business processes. Let us have a quick glance at some of the new and enhanced features available in this new version of Sage Evolution.
- Sage Evolution has now a new look and feel to it. This was done by a complete change of all icons and a more easy to use interface.
- Executive Dashboard now engages with the Sage Evolution data, making it a powerful performance management tool within your business. It is fully customisable and allows you to create your own Dashboards, focusing on Key Performance Indicators, creating Snapshots of important business elements.
- A new central search feature has been introduced to easily find and access information across all modules.
- One of the most requested features was that of doing away with data purging. In Version 7, Sage Evolution allow you to create unlimited financial accounting years. You will benefit from this by analysing historical data to make more informed decisions and accurate forecasting.
- More flexible and powerful data importing.
- Enhanced and increased user security.
- Another major client request was the introduction of Error correction. A new Utilities section allows you to make cosmetic changes to transactional data. All changes are written to a log file for audit purposes.
- More control of user settings and layout options and numbering via Document profiles.
- The General Ledger has now been fully aligned with International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS).
- Budget forecasting is a new feature in Sage Evolution Version 7.
- Introduction of Dimensions in Inventory Items.
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