Sage 50 2017 is now available

1 minute read
Sage 50 2017 is now available and full of new and exciting features. This version continues to build on the features introduced in the 2016 edition, and introduces new functionality which make this accounting system much more efficient, effective and easier to use. Contact us now for a demo or to find out more on how you can upgrade your existing Sage to the latest edition.
New and improved version with key new features:
- Improved error corrections – quickly and easily edit journals, un-allocate credits and payments from an incorrect invoice and track which users have edited transactions. It’s never been easier to keep accounts accurate and up-to-date.
- Surfacing information – analyse data without the need to source it from various parts of the software or create workarounds. New columns and fields mean more efficient data analysis and reduced frustration.
- Drill down on aged debtors and creditors – get more control of who owes you money and who you owe money to, without the need to move in and out of different screens. A more streamlined process makes it easier to get insight into your cash flow at the click of a button.
- Streamlined dialogue boxes – it’s now easier than ever for you to find the information you need quickly, and work on it effectively, without having to learn or remember what to do.
- User interface consistency – you can customise exactly what you want to see when using the programme and that will be remembered when you log out. No more spending time re-setting your display to fit how you work.
Contact us now for a demo or to find out more on how you can upgrade your existing Sage to the latest edition.
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